Employment rates for older workers higher than those for younger people
Germany nearly top-notch.
Dr. Sch.-W. – 11/2019
Since 2003, employment rates for men have
been close to stable, whereas those for women have been catching up. What was particularly
notable was the strong increase in the number of older workers (aged 55 to 64
years). With 65% and 48% respectively, employment rates for men and for women
have been noticeably higher for several years than those for younger people
(65% and 48% respectively). These data were presented in a recent analysis by
Eurostat. With 70%, Germany is nearly at the top and only surpassed by Sweden.
As for the rest, the share of the over-65-year-olds who are still in work is
also rising, with Estonia ranking first with 26%.
Click here to read the analysis.