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Magazine ed*
ed* No. 02/2024: Artificial intelligence as a game changer – New perspectives for social insurance
ed* Nr. 01/2024: Europe in transition: review and outlook on the new legislative period
ed* Nr. 02/2023: Bismarck on the move: Get digital. Go green.
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30 Years DSV
German Social Insurance’s Milestones
Congratulations from the Board
History of social security
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Magazine ed*
ed* No. 02/2024: Artificial intelligence as a game changer – New perspectives for social insurance
ed* Nr. 01/2024: Europe in transition: review and outlook on the new legislative period
ed* Nr. 02/2023: Bismarck on the move: Get digital. Go green.
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Magazine Ed* Archive
Artificial intelligence as a game changer – New perspectives for social insurance
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
The AI Act: Europe’s path to the digital future
Chapter 3:
Application of AI
Chapter 4:
What are the implications of the AI Act for social insurance?
Chapter 5:
Data is not objective
Chapter 6:
Promotion of trustworthy AI in social insurance
Chapter 7:
ed* No. 02/2024
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Health and social policy through the ages
Chapter 3:
Digital Decade and social protection
Chapter 4:
Health policy remains on the European agenda
Chapter 5:
Demographics, care, mental health
Chapter 6:
Safe and healthy workplaces
Chapter 7:
Adequate and sustainable pension schemes
Chapter 8:
Porto Social Summit and implementation of the EPSR
Chapter 9:
Outlook on the new parliamentary term
ed* Nr. 01/2024
Bismarck on the move: Get digital. Go green.
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Get digital. But together please!
Chapter 3:
EESSI lesson
Chapter 4:
Single Digital Gateway – Access for Citizens
Chapter 5:
Digital Social Security Cardand European Identity
Chapter 6:
The future is interoperable
Chapter 7:
More order in the digital thicket
Chapter 8:
Go green. Social insurance in climate change
Chapter 9:
Knowledge gaps and data deficits
Chapter 10:
Best Practice UK
Chapter 11:
Climate change acts like a magnifying glass
Chapter 12:
The gap between socio-economic status and health opportunities must not be allowed to widen further
Chapter 13:
The digital and green transformation needs communication
ed* Nr. 02/2023
Challenges posed by climate change to the social insurance system
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
The European Green Deal – a vision for society as a whole
Chapter 3:
Climate change – new challenges for the social insurance system
Chapter 4:
Climate change – a question of socio-political justice?
Chapter 5:
European Green Deal and social protection – first steps towards redressing socio-political injustices
Chapter 6:
Green Deal and European Social Model
Chapter 7:
Adaptability – what happens to people?
Chapter 8:
Adaptability – resilient social insurance systems
Chapter 9:
ed* Nr. 01/2023
Five years of the European Pillar of Social Rights
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Strengthening the social dimension – a new attempt
Chapter 3:
The birth of the EPSR
Chapter 4:
Fair working conditions in a changing world of work
Chapter 5:
Right to adequate social protection
Chapter 6:
High-Level Expert Group entrusted with Herculean task
Chapter 7:
Outlook: Ineffectual attempt or strengthening of the social dimension?
ed* Nr. 03/2022
Health data space
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Collecting and exchanging health data – Opportunities for Europe
Chapter 3:
Data exchange via MyHealth@EU – What is behind it?
Chapter 4:
Harmonisation of European and national infrastructures a must
Chapter 5:
Use of national health data
Chapter 6:
Different data infrastructures
Chapter 7:
ed* Nr. 02/2022
Platform work: EU Commission focuses on social security
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Platform work as an innovation and job engine?
Chapter 3:
Key challenge: platform work is not homogeneous
Chapter 4:
Concrete proposals of the European Commission – focus on determining the status
Chapter 5:
Machines as managers – data use raises questions
Chapter 6:
Transparency and reporting requirements
Chapter 7:
What happens next
ed* Nr. 01/2022
Digitising social security
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
What takes a long time will finally ...?
Chapter 3:
1. Communications between social security institutions
Chapter 4:
2. Communications between social security institutions and the citizens
Chapter 5:
3. Interlinking digital communications
Chapter 6:
4. Outlook
ed* Nr. 03/2021
Old-age provision, health and care in Europe
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Demographic change is leaving its mark
Chapter 3:
Demographic trends
Chapter 4:
Pensions – where do we stand today?
Chapter 5:
Pensions – looking into the future
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Long-term care – where do we stand today?
Chapter 8:
Public long-term care expenditure – today and tomorrow
Chapter 9:
Policy recommendations
ed* Nr. 02/2021
Location Europe
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Europe is networking
Chapter 3:
Panel 1: More supply reliability through strategic independence?
Chapter 4:
Panel 2: The pressure on the self-employed during the pandemic: What does social security for the next generation look like?
Chapter 5:
Information and videos of our online conference
ed* Nr. 01/2021
COVID-19 – No one must be left behind
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Support people, preserve jobs
Chapter 3:
The COVID-19 crisis from the perspective of the self-employed
Chapter 4:
The COVID-19 crisis from the perspective of the younger generation
Chapter 5:
People with disabilities in the COVID-19 crisis
Chapter 6:
Have we really learned our lesson?
ed* Nr. 02/2020
A new European cancer plan is on its way
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
The fight against cancer
Chapter 3:
Close cooperation
Chapter 4:
Prevention – cancer doesn’t have to be inevitable
Chapter 5:
Treatment guidelines, certification – on the path to European quality standards
Chapter 6:
Rehabilitation – returning to normal life
ed* Nr. 01/2020
Social security under the aegis of the Council presidencies
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Pension Insurance
Chapter 3:
Health Insurance
Chapter 4:
Accident Insurance
ed* Nr. 02/2019
Artificial Intelligence and Social Security
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
The future is already here
Chapter 3:
The use of AI in social security
Chapter 4:
Humans vs. Machines – who controls whom?
Chapter 5:
Legal framework – robots as ‘electronic persons’
Chapter 6:
Ethical guidelines – which values are AI based on?
ed* Nr. 01/2019
Social protection for platform workers
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
New forms of work – approaches to social security
Chapter 3:
Platform workers in Europe – do they have social protection?
Chapter 4:
Legal or factual options
Chapter 5:
Minimum income thresholds
Chapter 6:
Cross-border cooperation in monitoring contributions, also with non-EU states?
ed* No. 03/2018
From Member State to third country?
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Bye, Bye Britain – the pain of divorce and losing member status
Chapter 3:
What does Brexit mean for statutory social insurance?
Chapter 4:
Current status of negotiations – withdrawal agreement with transitional period?
Chapter 5:
Legal situation following the withdrawal – the UK as a third country?
Chapter 6:
The preferred way – a close partnership
Chapter 7:
Challenges for the social security institutions
ed* No. 02/2018
The changing world of work
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Social security systems – an outdated model?
Chapter 3:
Will the exception become the norm?
Chapter 4:
The changing world of work – workers’ need for protection stays the same
Chapter 5:
In search of solutions – the Member States
ed* No. 01/2018
Standardisation in social and health services
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Different ways towards quality and standards
Chapter 3:
European standardisation of healthcare services
Chapter 4:
European standardisation of health services and social services – the wrong path to take
ed* No. 03/2017
A digital single market for Europe
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
EESSI – Faster communication between social security bodies
Chapter 3:
Digital health products fall under EU legislation
Chapter 4:
Building a European eHealth infrastructure
ed* No. 02/2017
Towards a more social Europe?
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
The EU Commission wants to create a “Pillar of Social Rights”
Chapter 3:
First step towards the Pillar: a European unemployment insurance scheme?
Chapter 4:
The European Pillar of Social Rights – many unanswered questions in the opinion of the German Social Insurance
Chapter 5:
Safety and health in the workplace
Chapter 6:
Health and long-term care
Chapter 7:
Old-age pensions
ed* No. 01/2017