Magazine ed*
ed* Nr. 01/2023

Adapt­ability – what happens to people?

Educa­tion and training (Prin­ciple 1 of the EPSR) are iden­ti­fied in the report as a prereq­ui­site for an adap­tive society. The HLG shares the Euro­pean Commis­sion’s assess­ment that the Euro­pean Green Deal can create addi­tional jobs overall. However, the prereq­ui­site is that the tran­si­tion to a climate-neutral economy and society is accom­pa­nied by the right measures.

ed* Nr. 01/2023 – Chapter 7

The consequences of climate change and the European Green Deal will inevitably be very different for different sectors and occupational groups. The green transformation will reduce jobs in traditional industrial sectors while creating new ones in other sectors. This effect is reinforced by digitisation. This double transformation requires a considerable adjustment to employment structures which must be accompanied by comprehensive qualification measures. This is also a core demand from the perspective of social insurance. A high level of social protection requires a high level of labour force participation. Employees must be empowered for this through a variety of measures. The social insurance system also makes a significant contribution to this through a wide range of preventive measures, continual development of occupational safety and health, and medical and occupational rehabilitation.

At the European level, this change is to be supported by the European Skills Agenda within the framework of “Fit for 55”.1 In the HLG’s view, this is an important step, but it must be followed by considerably greater efforts. The European Green Deal requires the empowerment of individuals.

The central measure for the tran­si­tion to a climate-neutral economy and society is continued training and retraining of employees.

iStock / golero

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