Labour and Social Protection

The DSV monitors European initiatives on labour and social protection. At the European Summit that was held in Gothenburg in 2017, the Council, the European Commission and the European Parliament proclaimed the European Pillar of Social Rights. The principles agreed upon in the proclamation must be incorporated in all of the EU’s political processes. More social policy initiatives were launched as a result of this, for example access to social protection, platform work as well as regulations covering occupational health and safety. Here you will find an overview of our publications on the topics of labour and social protection.

Health and Long-term care

Health policy has become increasingly more important as the EU has developed. Even though the responsibility for health systems basically lies with the member states, the EU supports its member states in realising common objectives and pooling resources. For example, it adopts EU-wide legislation on pharmaceuticals and medical devices, on the prevention and control of cross-border health threats, and on patient mobility issues. DSV monitors and accompanies initiatives on the topics of health and long-term care at the European level. Here you will find an overview of our publications on the topics of health and long-term care.

Single market and economy

With the establishment of the single European market in 1993 and the common currency union, Europe has grown together a little further. Cross-border labour mobility as well as economic transactions and movement of goods have increased since then. The single market is now the economic heart of the European Union. However, it is not a static entity. Political, economic, social and technological developments shape economic coexistence in Europe. This requires constant adaptation and further development of the single market. However, a necessary prerequisite for its ability to function is a stable social law framework based on modern coordination law and high standards for social, health and labour protection. 

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