Our Positions
Labour and Social Protection

Ensuring social protection and fair working conditions in this changing working world

The demographic, digital and green changes are shaping social coexistence within the EU whilst raising fundamental questions: how can adequate pension be guaranteed in ageing societies? How can access to social protection be guaranteed for all employees with changing forms of work? How should employees' workplaces be adapted in view of these changes in the working environment and the working world in order to ensure the necessary high level of occupational health and safety?

At the European Summit that was held in Gothenburg in 2017, the Council, the European Commisssion and the European Parliament all committed themselves to Europe being characterised through comprehensive social protection and the highest standards of working conditions and this resulted in them proclaiming the European Pillar of Social Rights. The principles agreed upon in the proclamation must be incorporated in all of the EU’s political processes. More social policy initiatives were launched as a result of this. They included access to social protection, platform employment as well as regulations covering occupational health and safety.