European Supply Chain Act
DSV proposes deletion in the draft directive
VS – 10/2022
European Commission presented a package of measures for a "fair and sustainable
economy" on 23 February. The package also
includes a Proposed
Directive on corporate due diligence in the area of sustainability (European Supply Chain Law) (see also the News of March 2022). With the proposed Directive, the
EU wants to assume its international responsibility and protect human and
children's rights along global supply chains as well as strengthen
environmental protection.
The DSV supports the European Commission's
proposal that all workers inside and outside the EU should have access to
healthy working conditions and that child labour and forced labour should be
abolished worldwide. The European Commission's proposal for a
Directive, however, includes not only companies but also pension insurance institutions
in the obligations.
The statutory pension insurance institutions are
social security system institutions, though, and not economic
enterprises within the meaning of EU law. Therefore, the
DSV proposes in a current Opinion deletion of the reference to the statutory pension insurance.
The concept of "entity" in European case law
The proposed Directive includes statutory
pension insurance institutions among the financial entities that fall within
its scope. This represents a departure from the previous understanding of the
term "entity" at the European level and in European case law. Thus,
in 1993, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) stated in its judgement in Case
C-159/91 - Poucet and Pistre v. AGF and Cancava that "the concept of
entity within the meaning of Articles 85 and 86 of the [EEC] Treaty does not
cover organisations entrusted with the management of social security
schemes." This judgement has been confirmed several times in subsequent
ECJ case law, most recently in June 2020 in the judgement in Joined Cases
C-262/18 P and C-271/18.
Solvency II Directive explicitly excludes statutory pension schemes
Other EU legislation also excludes pension
insurance institutions from its scope. Thus, explicitly in the Solvency II
Directive (Directive 2009/138/EC). This also applies to EU legislation on
corporate reporting requirements. For example, the related Directive 2013/34/EU
on "consolidated accounts and related reports of certain types of
entities" excludes pension schemes that qualify as social security
Deletion of the reference to the statutory pension insurance
The purpose of including the statutory pension
insurance institutions in the scope of the proposed Directive is not clear. The
statutory pension insurance institutions are not entities in the sense of the
valid understanding of EU law. Also, on the capital market in all of the EU
Member States, the financial resource investment options used by the statutory pension funds are subject to strict legal regulation as well as tight controls.
Therefore, in its opinion the DSV proposes the
deletion of the reference to the statutory pension insurance institutions in
Article 3 (a) IV of the proposed Directive. The proposed Directive is currently being
discussed in the European Council and the European Parliament.