The European Parliament publishes a summary of commitments made.

HS – 01/2025

The European Parliament has published a comprehensive briefing that summarises all the statements and commitments made by the members of the College of Commissioners in their written answers and hearings. The briefing is sorted thematically, and it has been prepared to support the European Parliament's scrutiny of the European Commission during the 2024-2029 term of office. It will also act as the basis for the committees' annual structured dialogue with the Commission.

Executive Vice-President Roxana Mînzatu

Roxana Mînzatu is responsible for social rights and skills, quality jobs and preparedness. She has addressed a wide range of issues in her written answers and hearing, among them social dialogue, skills, education and youth as well as gender equality. Among other things, she promised to visit all Member States in order to jointly develop a new action plan for implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights. With regard to the roadmap for high-quality jobs, she will launch a second phase of consultations with the social partners as soon as she assumes office to produce an initiative on the right to disconnect. She also pledged to work towards further integration of the social convergence framework into the European Semester and to focus on social investment and reforms.

Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi

The Commissioner for Health and Animal Welfare promised among other things to tackle the huge risks from antimicrobial resistance and achieve the 2030 targets through the One Health approach, update the list of critical medicines and quickly propose a Critical Medicines Act. He also pledged to create a pragmatic approach for orphan devices during the first quarter of 2025 as part of the revision of the Medical Devices Regulation. The European Health Union should be completed, and the quality, resilience, safety and sustainability of healthcare systems should be promoted.

Commissioner Hadja Lahbib

Hadja Lahbib is responsible for preparedness and crisis management as well as gender equality. She has pledged to work on developing a new strategy to support medical procedures to combat threats to public health. The Commission will also adopt an EU health crisis and pandemic plan within the first few months, which will be updated regularly, and which will ensure cooperation between Member States in preventing and responding to serious cross-border health threats. There is nothing in the European Parliament's briefing on Lahbib’s responsibility for HERA or sexual and reproductive health, as these responsibilities were only transferred to her after the hearing process.

Other commissioners

Other Commissioners relevant to social security include Stéphane Séjourné (whose responsibilities include simplifying REACH and providing clarity regarding PFAS), Henna Virkkunen (whose responsibilities include the public digital infrastructure and the EU Wallet) and Valdis Dombrovskis (whose responsibilities include the European Semester). Their commitments can also be found in the briefing.