Securing health- and social systems for the next gener­a­tion / 28 october 2020

Online-confer­ence on 28 October 2020

The coronavirus pandemic is putting our social and health systems to the test. It is a difficult challenge for the European Union. Social and health issues have become even more visible during the pandemic. For the sustainable financing of social security systems and the optimal provision and delivery of care to the insured, decisions are needed now to open up prospects for the next generation.


We would like to take the opportunity to discuss with high-level political decision-makers from Brussels and Berlin, the industry and representatives from the social security insurances two current topics:


11.00 to 12.15: Medicines for future generations – greater supply reliability through strategic independence?


14.00 to 15.15: The pressure on the self-employed during the pandemic: What does social security for the next generation look like?


We cordially invite you to attend our online conference on:


„Securing health and social systems for the next generation“


on 28 October 2020.


The event is part of the associated program of the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs within the German EU Council Presidency 2020.


We are looking forward to welcome you to our online-event.


To register for the conference, please follow this link: .

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