Investing in Europe
InvestEU also to support social infrastructures.
Dr. S-W – 01/2019
The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) was launched in 2015 as
part of the ‘Juncker Plan’. In its now expanded version (EFSI 2.0), it will
mobilise additional investments of €500 billion by the end of 2020, mainly
through guarantees from the European Investment Bank and state guarantees. The
fund was created as a result of the global financial and debt crisis, in order
to offset the collapse of public investment in certain areas.
According to the EU Commission, the programme has been a major success.
By mid-2018, €256 billion was effectively mobilised, of which 80% was private
capital. 80% was invested in the poorer Member States. New types of financial
instruments now allow for riskier investments in companies and other social
economy institutions. One particular issue relates to transparency in terms of
meeting the requirement of ‘additionality’ for the projects funded. This means
that private investors could not have been won over without public funds and
The next medium-term financial framework (2021-2027)
will see EFSI 2.0 being replaced with the broader InvestEU Programme. It will
consolidate existing EU funding instruments and mobilise an additional €650
billion over the period of the programme. At its core is an EU budget guarantee
of €38 billion with the EIBG Group as the major partner. InvestEU is primarily
intended to promote higher risk projects.
One of the four main policy areas will be social
investment and skills with an allocated €4 billion. The programme is intended
to help implement the European Pillar of Social Rights and modernise Europe’s
education and healthcare infrastructure. The latest example of promoting health
infrastructure is a €20 million EIB loan to the Finnish company Nightingale
Health for the development of innovative blood analysis techniques aimed at preventing
chronic diseases.