Every opinion counts!
Public consultation on the evaluation of the European Social Fund’s support to social inclusion.
RD – 10/2019
EU Commission has launched an online public consultation that is open to the general public for a period of 12 weeks. The aim of the
consultation is to evaluate the European Social Fund’s (ESF)
contribution to social inclusion during the 2014-2018 period.
criteria include the integration of disadvantaged people into society and the
fight against poverty and discrimination by the ESF. Structural reforms and
parameters such as visibility, relevance, cost-benefit ratio and effectiveness
of ESF measures are also being evaluated.
Commission is particularly seeking contributions from citizens (whether or not
they have received ESF support), organisations involved in the management of
European Social Fund programmes, organisations involved as beneficiaries or
project partners in the implementation of ESF projects, public bodies, NGOs and
Since 2014, the EU has carried
out activities to promote social inclusion as well as combat poverty and
discrimination. These activities are supported by the European Social Fund. The
information collected will be used to assess what has been achieved over the
period 2014-2018. The consultation will also provide the Commission with guidance
on possible improvements in terms of support, effectiveness and design.
results of the evaluation will play a key role in the planning of the next
programme period. In addition to the consultation, other evaluation procedures
will be carried out such as interviews, focus groups and case studies.
online questionnaire in several official EU languages will allow all interested
parties to participate in the consultation. It is open until 19 December 2019.