Croatia takes over EU Pres­i­dency in 2020.

RD – 12/2019

29 years after gaining independence and only six years after becoming the newest member of the EU, another historic moment in Croatia’s history will occur when it takes on the European Council Presidency for the first time.


‘A strong Europe in a world of challenges’ is the motto of Croatia’s Presidency Programme when it takes up its new duties from 1 January - 30 June 2020  as part of the Trio Presidency of Romania, Finland and Croatia.

During these six months, Croatia will steer the Council’s activities, building cooperation and agreement between Member States in a spirit of consensus and mutual respect. Croatia will indeed be facing challenges. Major changes, such as the beginning of a new institutional and legislative cycle following the new composition of the European institutions, await the European Union. Some of the challenges facing the world today are uneven economic development, digitalisation, climate change and increased migration. As a way of addressing these challenges, Croatia has set out four programme priorities

A Europe that develops, connects, protects and influences.

In terms of social policy, Croatia's main objective is to ensure a more satisfied and vital society. The focus is on: 

  • Implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights, including work-life balance;
  • Establishing measures to curb negative demographic trends;
  • Promoting equality between women and men, and empowering women in society and in the labour market;
  • Creating better opportunities for young people, especially in rural areas;
  • Promoting lifelong healthcare.

The priorities take into account the political guidelines of the Commission’s new President. A prerequisite for achieving these objectives is a balanced and sustainable EU Multiannual Financial Framework for the period 2021-2027. The first challenge for the Croatian Presidency is to reach a comprehensive agreement as soon as possible to allow the timely implementation of all the Union’s programmes so that a strong Europe can continue to be built.

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