Launch of the confer­ence about the future of the EU

IK – 05/2021

“The future is in your hands. Make your voice heard!" is how the European institutions and the 27 Member States are inviting their more than 446 million citizens to engage in a dialogue about the future of the EU.

Democ­racy project par excel­lence

The starting signal for this democracy project par excellence was given on Europe Day, 9 May 2021,with the opening event in the European Parliament. The people of the EU now have the opportunity to express their opinions and ideas as late as spring 2022, and to initiate changes at European level based on this project. Citizens are invited to share their views on European institutions and the decision-making processes. An interim report should be available when France assumes the EU Council Presidency on 1 July 2022.

Why is there a need for action?

The EU has long been accused of being remote from its citizens, of having a non-transparent lobbying system as well as having an excessive administrative organisation. French President Emmanuel Macron previously formulated reform proposals a few years ago, but they met with little response. The current magnitude of the need for action is shown by Brexit and the ideas for withdrawal that keep cropping up elsewhere, as well as the frequent lack of unity among the Member States regarding the pressing issues of the day, such as climate change or the refugee crisis.

A digital plat­form is the heart of this confer­ence

At the heart of the conference is a digital platform that can be accessed at: All of the citizens can contribute their ideas on topics ranging from "Climate change and the environment" to "Health", "Economy, social justice and employment" and "The EU’s place in the world". They should give their opinions on migration and digital transformation as well as "Democracy in Europe", the rule of law or the "Education, Culture, Youth and Sport” complex. The suggestions and comments, of which several thousand have already been received, are accessible to everyone and in turn, they will provide a stimulus for further discussion.

Four confer­ences of citi­zens to explore the issues in greater depth

From autumn onwards, any possible reforms will then be further discussed at four conferences of citizens to be held in Brussels, Strasbourg, Florence and Warsaw. Each of these conferences will be attended by 200 randomly selected people. Each Member State should send at least one woman and one man. About one third of the participants should be between 16 and 25 years old.

Are long-term changes real­istic?

With the start of the conference, the EU institutions have committed themselves to listening to the people and examining their demands for feasibility. But it remains to be seen whether the conference will actually bring about long-term reforms. However, the discussions about a competence shift in the health sector towards a "health union" could intensify. Since the coronavirus crisis started, voices have been growing louder in favour of giving Europe an increasingly centralised control function instead of just a coordinating one, especially in the battle against pandemics.

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