EU looks positively to the future
Proposal for a Joint Employment Report presented with the start of the 2022 European Semester cycle
VS – 01/2022
The European Commission launched the 2022
European Semester cycle on 24 November 2021. The most important reports are the Annual Report on Sustainable Growth, the Alert Mechanism Report under the Macroeconomic Imbalance
Procedure, and the proposal for a Joint Employment Report. The general purport
of the three reports is positive. Together, they highlight Europe's success in
implementing the COVID-19 vaccination campaign and mitigating the
socio-economic impact of the pandemic, thus laying the foundation for a
sustainable recovery.
Stable through the crisis - thanks to reduced working hours and social protection systems
The proposal for a Joint Employment Report
analyses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on employment and the social
situation in Europe. After that, the pandemic broke the six-year positive trend
on the labour market. However, the rise in the unemployment rate has so far
been moderate - thanks to the rapid introduction of short-time working schemes
and similar measures by the Member States.
Average household incomes and income
distribution have also remained stable - thanks to social protection systems
and measures such as short-time work schemes. This is consistent with initial analyses conducted in the middle of last year that
estimated the evolution of economic growth over the course of the pandemic and
examined the economic growth trend should government support measures be
absent. In the absence of support measures, households would have suffered much
larger losses, and income losses among poorer households would have been
disproportionately large.
Adolescents and young adults disproportionately affected by the effects of the pandemic on the labour market
The impact of the pandemic on the labour
market has particularly affected workers in atypical employment and young
people. Both groups show an above-average increase in the number of unemployed.
The picture for Europe is very mixed in terms of both youth unemployment and
the proportion of young people who are not in employment, education or
training. While young people in the Scandinavian countries and Central Europe
continue to enjoy good labour market opportunities, the situation in Southern
and Southeastern Europe, which was already tense before the COVID-19 pandemic,
has deteriorated further.