Shaping the Social Security Systems in Europe
A turning point for pensions as well
VS – 04/2023
At the
invitation of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) and in cooperation
with the Spanish Ministry of Social Affairs, a high-level discussion about the
“Public Pension System: Changing Narratives,
Changing realities?“ was held in March. The consequences for public pension systems
arising from major societal changes such as demographic developments, changes
in the working world and changes caused by climate change were discussed at
academic and political levels by two panels. Efficient pension systems must
also be guaranteed in the future. Europe needs to take a new look at its
pension policies to ensure this and this issue became the tenor of the event.
Resilience through investment in occupational training
Those present
agreed that high levels of social protection, high labour force participation
and steady productivity growth are needed to face the demographic challenges.
This will require significantly increased investments, especially in
occupational training and advanced training. Comprehensive qualification
measures as well as prevention, rehabilitation and occupational health and
safety are also necessary in order to be able to successfully counter the
consequences of climate change, the European Green Deal as well as
digitisation. As previously recommended in the Final report from the HLG (High-Level Expert Group) for the
future of social protection and the welfare states in the EU, citizens must be
able to participate successfully and for as long as possible during their
working lives.
Europe still
has a lot to do here. Too many young adults still have no, or only inadequate,
occupational training. Young adults' entry into the labour market is
increasingly characterised by precarious and temporary jobs in many member
states. This will also have long-term consequences for pension entitlements in
old age. A complete working career is included in the calculations made in
almost all member states. According to the Spanish Minister for Social Affairs,
José Luis Escrivá, entering the workforce will be a priority for the Spanish
Council Presidency during the second half of 2023.
Access to social protection for all employees
Minister for
Social Affairs Escrivá, the Belgian Minister for Pensions, Karine Lalieux and
the German State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Labour and Social
Affairs, Dr Rolf Schmachtenberg, all agreed that the existing gaps in accessing
social protection must be closed - as agreed in Principle 12 of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR). The present pension systems are
still too heavily geared towards traditional employment models. An initiative
in each member state is needed to deal with the relevant social protection
gaps. It is also important to shape the changes in the working world at
European level. The European Commission’s proposed directive covering platform working will be an
important step in this direction. An efficient pension system needs
high-quality jobs for qualified and socially secure employees.
Demography can be shaped
Contrary to
all the forecasts made during the last three decades, the pension system in
Germany is actually stable. The reason is the strong increase in employment
subject to social security contributions, which, according to Schmachtenberg, now has five million more employees today than was predicted a
good ten years ago. The reasons for this are increased labour force
participation – especially of older people and women – and migration. The
example shows that demographic development can be shaped. Even if migration is
a much-discussed political issue, it is still important for Europe's future
The European social model – a competitive advantage
systems and social security systems as a whole have contributed significantly
to stabilising the economic situation during the past crises. Those crises also
taught us that member states with efficient social security systems came
through them better and they made and continue to make a significant
contribution to further economic development. The performance of the social
security systems is also noticed in non-European countries. This is one of or
even Europe's decisive trump card in the competition for skilled workers.
A new “golden rule” for Europe
must also define itself through the performance and sustainability of the
social security systems in its member states. Common objectives and principles
as in the ESSR as well as their consistent implementation must be the pillars
of the European social model. Minister Escrivá and Schmachtenberg explicitly
support the new "golden rule" formulated by the HLG: the task of
fiscal policy in the EU is to ensure the future need for social protection and
social investment against the background of climate change and digitisation.