European standards
ECJ rules on the accessibility of harmonised European standards.
RH – 03/2024
European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled on 5 March 2024, that
harmonised European standards are part of Union law due to their legal effects
and must therefore be freely accessible.
The case
In 2018,
the European Commission rejected the motion for access to several technical
standards in the field of toys filed by two non-profit organisations,
Public.Resource.Org Inc. and Right to Know CLG, which campaign for the free
accessibility of legal information and documents. The General Court of the
European Union (Court) declared the European Commission's actions lawful in 2021.
The two
organisations appealed against this ruling and have now been successful. The
ECJ overturned the judgement of the General Court and declared that the
European Commission should have granted the plaintiffs access to the harmonised
standards. It was argued that the requested standards are part of Union law and
that therefore there is an overriding public interest in their dissemination.
Harmonised European standards
European standards are guidelines for the technical specifications of products,
services or processes. They play an important role in the single market of the
European Union (EU). In the area of product safety, European legislation
generally only stipulates basic requirements for the safe marketing of products
in the EU. These requirements are then specified by the (private-law) European
standardisation organisations CEN, CENELEC and ETSI on behalf of the European
Commission in the form of harmonised technical standards. The development of
the standards themselves is channelled through the national standardisation
organisations, such as DIN in Germany. These are financed, among other things,
by the sale of standards to manufacturers and companies. Only the references of
the harmonised standards are published in the Official Journal of the EU.
with harmonised standards is generally voluntary and not required by law.
However, it has various advantages for manufacturers and companies. If products
have a standardised quality, they are compatible and comparable. This
facilitates market access. If a product complies with the specifications of a
corresponding standard, it is also assumed that it is also compliant with the
legal (safety) requirements on which the standard is based. This is why
standards are also relevant for occupational health and safety.
Impact on the European standardisation system
There is
still a great deal of uncertainty about the consequences of the judgement, since
the decision leaves many aspects related to accessibility open. A possible
obligation to make harmonised European standards unconditionally available free
of charge in the future could significantly change the way the European
standardisation system currently functions.