A common framework for action outlines how the "One Health" concept can be successfully implemented in Europe.

UM – 05/2024

The One Health cross-agency task force has developed a framework for action that contains a vision, goals and proposed measures for its work. The aim is to guide the EU agencies involved in successfully implementing the "One Health" concept. As a result, both the EU and its Member States should be able to prevent health risks or react appropriately to such risks. So much for the vision.

Strategic objectives

To realise its vision, the task force aims to establish and consolidate interdisciplinary cooperation between the concerned EU agencies, based on the principles of coordination, cooperation, comunication and capacity building. The institutions involved are the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the European Environment Agency (EEA), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Creating cross-agency knowledge

The Framework for Action aims to make a concrete contribution to facilitating strategic and cross-sectoral coordination and better coordinating research projects and agenda-setting. Communication and stakeholder engagement should also be improved; the development of partnerships should be supported through joint activities. As a result, capacities and skills are to be built up within the framework of the One Health concept. The period from 2024 to 2026 has initially been envisaged for this.

Because everything is interconnected

The One Health concept is based on the assumption that human health is closely linked to the health of animals and the environment. Associated topics relating to health are also linked to this, such as human and veterinary medicine, animal feed and food, as well as environmental protection, biodiversity and climate change. Because everything is interconnected, health strategies need to be cross-cutting.


Success through "One Health"

The German Social Insurance expressly supports the One Health concept. The fight against antimicrobial resistance is a striking example of how crucial it is to take a joint approach to feed yard operation, the discharge of wastewater and waste into the environment, hygiene in healthcare facilities and the individual handling of antimicrobial drugs. Countermeasures must be coordinated in order to be highly effective. Intensive cooperation between the agencies involved, as described in the "Cross-agency One Health task force framework for action 2024-2026" action plan, follows this realisation and is expressly welcomed.