Focus on ACSH's work

SK – 05/2024

Health and safety at work is one of the areas where the EU - through its solid legal framework - has provided huge added value for its citizens. The European Commission works with many different stakeholders due to the complexity of the issues involved. The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work is one of the best known agencies. The Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work (ACSH)is less well known, but no less relevant.

Structure and tasks

The ACSH is a tripartite advisory body made up of representatives from national governments and employee and employer organisations from the 27 member states. Its task is to support the European Commission in preparing and implementing the decisions taken for the health and safety at work sector. It is also facilitates cooperation between national authorities and the employee and employer organisations. Various working groups have been established to make the different issues covered by the ACSH more transparent. The ACSH's priorities and its working groups are determined through an annual work programme.

ACSH's priorities

 A "climate change and health and safety at work" working group was established last year as ecological change does not stop at occupational health and safety. Its task is to concern itself with the climate change challenges as well as existing EU and national legislation that protects employees. The "chemicals in the workplace" working group drew up various reports about the chemicals policy area during 2023. The European Commission used them to propose new preventive and protective measures as well as exposure limit values in the area covered by the directive on carcinogens, mutagens or reprotoxic substances.

Various measures relating to the digital and ecological transition are scheduled in this year's ACSH work programme. In addition to supporting the European Commission on chemical-related issues in the occupational health and safety sector, the ACSH is also concerning itself with establishing a new working group to look at how approaches to psychosocial risks can be enforced. The ACSH also plans to continue its involvement in promoting a "Vision Zero" approach to work-related fatalities. The ACSH will report on the results of this year's activities in its annual activity report.