Sustainable pensions require sustainable investment strategies
Reserve funds of public pension insurance institutions fall into line
VS – 04/2022
investment behaviour in line with ethical, ecological and social criteria (Environmental Social Governance – in short:
ESG) is becoming increasingly important, for example at EU level in the
proposed directive on corporate due diligence in the area of sustainability
(European Supply Chain Act – see News 3/22). A recent Study shows that this also applies to reserve funds
of public pension insurance institutions in Sweden and Finland.
Sustainability – a concept in a state of flux
issue of sustainable pensions has been high on the political agenda for several
decades against the backdrop of demographic change. In this context, there are
at least two definitions of sustainability in pension systems – a restrictive
one and a broader one. The restrictive definition reduces the concept of sustainability
to a mere question of the pension system’s financial sustainability. A pension
system is sustainable if its budget is balanced. This definition is sometimes
critically questioned by academics and policy makers: It ignores any effects on
other essential aspects of pension policy and is not suitable for dealing with
complex issues such as securing provision for old age now and in the future.
at the European level, Member States and the European Commission have laid down
three overarching pension policy goals. In addition to maintaining the
financial sustainability of pension systems, these include ensuring adequate
retirement incomes and increasing labour force participation and working
lifetime. In recent years, the concept of sustainability has been expanded to
include responsible action and investment behaviour in line with ethical,
ecological and social criteria. Thus, the discussion about sustainable pensions
is becoming increasingly important.
Sustainable investments
when buying investments that conform to ethical, ecological and social
criteria, the focus remains on the expected return, taking into account
possible risks. The assumption is that the inclusion of ethical, environmental
and social criteria helps to minimise long-term risks.
Sweden and Finland – different paths but comparable development
investment options of statutory pension funds are regulated by the respective
national legislator and are often subject to stringent restrictions. However,
some pension funds have greater degrees of freedom and can develop their own
investment strategies. In Europe, these include the reserve funds of the public
pension insurance institutions in Sweden and Finland. A recent study shows that
Finnish and Swedish pension investments follow ethical, environmental and
social criteria. However, the path taken was different in the two countries.
Sweden, the legislature has taken an active role. In this context, the question
of a long-term sustainable and profitable investment strategy is discussed both
in politics and in science. In Finland, in contrast, there has been no
legislation, nor has there been any public discussion on this. That is where
the driving force lies with the management of pension funds. These have been
influenced primarily by the international discourse of responsible investment
behaviour. In particular, the focus on investments with long-term returns at
low risk has motivated decision-makers to increasingly incorporate ethical,
environmental and social criteria.