Haben wir unsere Lektion wirklich gelernt?
ed* Nr. 02/2020 – Kapitel 6
Considering the starting position of the three groups described above, who are particularly affected by the effects of the pandemic, one thing common among them is that they often do not benefit from the short-term aid measures made available to compensate for loss of income and were already considered ‘vulnerable’ before the crisis with regard to the security of their income and social security.
In the short term, ad hoc measures may help to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, although the affected groups often fall through the net of measures. However, whether we have learned our lesson from the crisis will also depend in the long term on whether we succeed in reducing the vulnerability of these groups and fundamentally remedying the weaknesses in the social systems. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the weaknesses in social security for these groups and once again demonstrated the need for longer term measures.